Low Income Students Look Differently in Statistics

During a YouTube video produced by Higher Education Today, Pat McGuire, president of Trinity Washington University in Washington D.C. discussed the experiences of low income students on campus. She said every student should have the opportunity to attend a university that is a great fit for them and offers programs to serve them well. Low income students are often overlooked by many top institutions because they are unfairly labled as less qualified due to a lack of advanced placement courses, community service activities, lower standardized testing scores and other factors (Goodman, 2014).

McGuire said students look differently in statistics, especially nontraditional students. There are older students who are outside of the traditional student age range, single parents, students who work full time, and more. Students should not be looked down upon because of their circumstances. Administrators at institutions of higher education must look at the full background of students so that they do not deny students admission and access to scholarship opportunities because of circumstances beyond their control. See the full video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v =XGktkXlbuA4



Goodman, S.R. [gotouniversity]. (2014, March 13). HIGHER EDUCATION TODAY — Low-Income Students, Trinity Washington University. [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v =XGktkXlbuA4

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